Stage 1 City of Sydney DA submissions

Stage One DA models are required for significant developments that exceed FSR and Height Controls; these are generally projects that will subsequently go onto to Design Excellence Competitions.

Models of this nature are ‘undetailed, envelope massing’ only, with the exception of where they include existing buildings (often Heritage buildings) that remain untouched. In these cases the proposed ‘envelope’ should be modelled without detail and the building which is to remain should be modelled in detail as per a standard DA model submission. The entire model is to be constructed out of durable materials and painted in a flat white paint. If the model is located outside of the ‘City Model’ at Town Hall, a 100m (buildings up to 10 stories) or 200m (buildings over 10 stories) context model will also be required.

Some examples of these models below.


Brass Conceptual model for Architectus Conrad Gargett, Africa Hall, United Nations


Smallest City of Sydney DA model completed